Definitions for EVT groups

82 Agriculture-Cultivated Crops and Irrigated Agriculture
200 Unclassified Sparsely Vegetated Systems
201 Unclassified Forest and Woodland
202 Unclassified Shrubland
203 Unclassified Upland Herbaceous
204 Unclassified Savanna
205 Unclassified Shrub-Steppe
206 Unclassified Grassland
207 Unclassified Wetland-Riparian Herbaceous
601 Alpine Dwarf-Shrubland, Fell-field and Meadow
602 Aspen Forest, Woodland, and Parkland
603 Aspen-Mixed Conifer Forest and Woodland
604 Big Sagebrush Shrubland and Steppe
605 Bigtooth Maple Woodland
606 Blackbrush Shrubland
607 Chaparral
608 Pacific Coastal Marsh
609 Pacific Coastal Scrub
610 Conifer-Oak Forest and Woodland
611 Creosotebush Desert Scrub
612 Deciduous Shrubland
613 Desert Scrub
614 Douglas-fir Forest and Woodland
615 Douglas-fir-Western Hemlock Forest and Woodland
616 Dry Tundra
617 Grassland
618 Grassland and Steppe
619 Greasewood Shrubland
620 Juniper Woodland and Savanna
621 Limber Pine Woodland
622 Lodgepole Pine Forest and Woodland
623 Low Sagebrush Shrubland and Steppe
624 Mesquite Woodland and Scrub
625 Douglas-fir-Ponderosa Pine-Lodgepole Pine Forest and Woodland
626 California Mixed Evergreen Forest and Woodland
627 Mountain Hemlock Forest and Woodland
628 Mountain Mahogany Woodland and Shrubland
629 Western Oak Woodland and Savanna
630 Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
631 Ponderosa Pine Forest, Woodland and Savanna
632 Red Alder Forest and Woodland
633 Red Fir Forest and Woodland
634 Redwood Forest and Woodland
635 Western Herbaceous Wetland
636 Salt Desert Scrub
637 Sand Shrubland
638 Sitka Spruce Forest
639 Spruce-Fir Forest and Woodland
640 Subalpine Woodland and Parkland
641 Succulent Desert Scrub
642 Western Hemlock-Silver Fir Forest
643 Douglas-fir-Grand Fir-White Fir Forest and Woodland
644 Western Larch Forest and Woodland
645 Western Red-cedar-Western Hemlock Forest
646 Mixedgrass Prairie
647 Sand Prairie
648 Shortgrass Prairie
649 Tallgrass Prairie
650 Depressional Wetland
651 Alpine-Subalpine Barrens
652 Aspen-Birch Forest
653 Atlantic Coastal Marsh
654 Atlantic Dunes and Grasslands
655 Beech-Maple-Basswood Forest
656 Texas Live Oak
657 Cypress
658 Coastal Plain Oak Forest
659 Bur Oak Woodland and Savanna
660 White Oak-Red Oak-Hickory Forest and Woodland
661 Chestnut Oak Forest and Woodland
662 Post Oak Woodland and Savanna
663 Black Oak Woodland and Savanna
664 Chestnut Oak-Virginia Pine Forest and Woodland
665 Red Pine-White Pine Forest and Woodland
666 Eastern Floodplain Forests
667 White Oak-Beech Forest and Woodland
668 Eastern Small Stream Riparian Forests
669 Florida Slash Pine
670 Glades and Barrens
671 Great Lakes Alvar
672 Hammocks
673 Hardwood Flatwoods
674 Heathland and Grassland
675 Inland Marshes and Prairies
676 Jack Pine Forest
677 Longleaf Pine Woodland
678 Mangrove
679 Maritime Forest
680 Sweetgum-Water Oak Forest
681 Montane Oak Forest
682 Yellow Birch-Sugar Maple Forest
683 Peatland Forests
684 Pine Flatwoods
685 Pine-Hemlock-Hardwood Forest
686 Pitch Pine Woodlands
687 Pocosin
688 Prairies and Barrens
689 Shortleaf Pine Woodland
690 Shortleaf Pine-Oak Forest and Woodland
691 Southern Scrub Oak
692 Spruce Flats and Barrens
693 Spruce-Fir-Hardwood Forest
694 Atlantic Swamp Forests
695 Virginia Pine Forest
696 Juniper-Oak
697 Loblolly Pine Forest and Woodland
698 Loblolly Pine-Slash Pine Forest and Woodland
699 None
700 Sparse Vegetation
701 Introduced Riparian Vegetation
702 Introduced Annual Grassland
703 Introduced Perennial Grassland and Forbland
704 Introduced Annual and Biennial Forbland
705 Introduced Wetland Vegetation
706 Introduced Upland Vegetation-Shrub
707 Introduced Upland Vegetation-Treed
708 Introduced Woody Wetland Vegetation
709 Introduced Herbaceous Wetland Vegetation
710 Transitional Herbacous Vegetation
711 Modified-Managed Prairie Grassland
720 Transitional Shrub Vegetation
730 Transitional Forest Vegetation
731 Managed Tree Plantation
740 Ruderal Forest
750 Alder Shrubland
752 Avalanche Slope Shrubland
753 Balsam Poplar-Aspen Woodland
754 Beach Meadow
755 Bedrock, Scree, and Talus
756 Birch-Aspen Forest
757 Birch-Cottonwood-Poplar Forest
758 Black Spruce Forest and Woodland
759 Boreal Grassland
760 Dry Aspen-Steppe Bluff
761 Dune Grassland
762 Dwarf Shrubland
763 Floodplain Forest and Shrubland
764 Freshwater Aquatic Bed
765 Freshwater Marsh
767 Herbaceous Meadow
769 Periglacial Woodland and Shrubland
770 Riparian Stringer Forest and Shrubland
772 Shrub and Herbaceous Floodplain Wetland
773 Shrub and Herbaceous Peatlands
774 Shrub Swamp
775 Shrub Tundra
776 Sparse Shrub and Fell-field
777 Sparse Tundra
778 Spruce-Lichen Woodland
779 Tidal Flat
780 Tidal Marsh
781 Tussock Tundra
782 Western Hemlock-Yellow-cedar Forest
783 Wet Meadow
784 White Spruce Forest and Woodland
785 White Spruce Forest and Woodland
786 Willow Shrubland
787 None
788 None
790 Hawai'i Rainforest
791 Hawai'i Dry Forest
792 Hawai'i Mesic Forest
793 Hawai'i Dry Shrubland
794 Hawai'i Mesic Shrubland
795 Hawai'i Dry Grassland
796 Hawai'i Mesic Grassland