I have data to contribute!
If you know of a relevant publication that is not already on the NAWFD's sources list, submit it via email by clicking the button above.

Data References

Flat files (csv)

Raw fuels data
Fuels by EVT Group
column definitions column definitions column definitions
Fuel loading values for 26,620 data observations collected from 271 data sources Fuel loading values aggregated to EVT Group Citations for the 271 data sources used to build the database
Select fuel loading data to include...
CSV will contain columns based on the selections below.
Fuel strata:


Data APIs

Geospatial data layers API

Get GeoTIFF files for specified area-of-interest, fuel strata and statistic/sample.
The download GUI in the Map application dynamically builds API URL's that can be used as templates for this API.
Specify area-of-interest using either the category and value parameters OR use the geom parameter to specify well-known text (WKT) geometry.

- - - Specify AOI - - -
category Use with the value parameter to specify a preset-AOI.
value Use with the category parameter to specify a preset-AOI.
geom Use instead of the category and value parameters to specify the area-of-interest via a well-known text (WKT) POLYGON. Coordinates should represent lat/lon. Use '+' instead of spaces unless the lat/lon coordinate is a negative number. You can view url-friendly WKT of your drawn polygons in the Map application by clicking 'view WKT' at the top of the Query Results section after using one of the drawing tools. See an additional example below.
- - - Other options - - -
layers (required) Comma-separated list of data layers. Layers are defined as: [stratum]__[stat].
To use loading values drawn randomly from their probability distributions, use 'stochastic' for stat.
Examples: fl_tree_mg_p_ha__mean, fl_fwd_mg_p_ha__q50, fl_duff_mg_p_ha__stochastic
iterations (optional; default=1) If any of the layers specified indicate "stochastic", this parameter specifies how many stochastic realizations are generated.
stack (optional; default=true) true/false indicating whether requested layers should be stacked into a single GeoTIFF file or each returned as a separate GeoTIFF file.
no_observations (optional; default=-9999) Indicates the pixel value to use when the selected strata have no observations for an EVT Group. Default of -9999 indicates a NoData value. No observations does not necessarily indicate a value of 0; it may just mean there is no available data for that fuel strata for that EVT Group.


Probability distribution samples API

Get fuel load values sampled from the probability distribution for the specified EVT Group(s) and fuel strata, returned as JSON.
If there is insufficient data to fit a distribution (<30 non-zero observations) for a combination of EVT Group and fuel strata, samples for that combination will be randomly drawn from the set of observed values.

evt_groups (required) comma-separated list of EVT Group IDs.
strata (optional; if not used, must use strata_group) comma-separated list of fuel strata.
strata_group (optional; if not used, must use strata) to make it easier to request multiple fuel strata in one request, use this parameter (instead of strata) to select a strata group (e.g. 'aggregate','live','cwd', etc.). The request will return samples for each strata in the selected group(s) (as opposed to samples aggregated to that group). Alternatively, specify "all" to include ALL fuel strata.
n_samples (optional; default=1) number of samples to return for each combination of evt_group and strata.
n_observations (optional; default=None) value to use when there are no observations for a combination of evt_group and strata in the database. Setting this to any number other than the default will return that number for each sample value.


Summary statistics API

Get summary statistic values (i.e. mean/median/min/max etc.) for specified EVT Group(s) and fuel strata, returned as JSON.

evt_groups (required) comma-separated list of EVT Group IDs.
strata (optional; if not used, must use strata_group) comma-separated list of fuel strata.
strata_group (optional; if not used, must use strata) to make it easier to request multiple fuel strata in one request, use this parameter (instead of strata) to select a strata group (e.g. 'aggregate','live','cwd', etc.). The request will return statistics for each strata in the selected group(s) (as opposed to summary stratistics aggregated to that group). Alternatively, specify "all" to include ALL fuel strata.
statistics (required) comma-separated list of summary statistic keys.
